Monday, February 22, 2010

Our Haydn

Haydn's 3 year check-up at the doctor went well. He's a healthy 34lbs and 37 1/2in tall. He's about in the 60-70% for both. He's a smart, animated, funny little guy and we just LOVE him so much. He loves to read, color, play games, and do just about anything outdoors. His attitude for life seems to be...I can do it, just watch me! He's definitely trying to grow up too fast. The only sad part about his birthday was that he wasn't turning 5 so he could ride the bus and go to school. We made up for it though by starting a little "school time" at home to learn and do art. Grandma Beckie helped by giving him his own art desk which is just fabulous and he LOVES it.
His Favorites:
Number: 5
Color: Green
Food: "Meat, no I like hamburgers" (um...ok?)
Letter: O
Toy: Buzz Lightyear
Who are you gonna marry? "Um, you Mom!"
Thing to do outside: "Play soccer ball with my Dad"
Book: "the pigeon one" (one we read last night)
Song: "Happy Birthday to You"

Ice Hockey Game

Scott scored us tickets to his company's executive suite at the XL Center to see the Wolfpack play Bridgeport last Friday. The kids loved it! Connor was intrigued then sat and finished a book. Haydn made friends with everyone else that was there with us and was a little wiggle worm, with plenty of room to wiggle thankfully. It was fun to have a night out and do something we don't usually do.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Haydn!

We celebrated Haydn's 3rd B-day on Thursday! Wow...3 already! He got to go choose donuts with Daddy in the morning and open his presents. His nursery teacher brought him a balloon which went with him everywhere for the rest of the day! Then that evening we went out to dinner. I didn't make him a cake for his birthday so the donuts had to do. I made his cake for his party on Saturday. He wanted a Jungle themed party. We invited 5 friends and we had fun getting jungle animal tatoos, and then making binoculars to search for stuffed animals in our jungle decorated house. We played jungle toss, a bean bag toss game. Then the kids went through a jungle relay where they jumped over quicksand, dodged crocodiles, swam through piranha infested waters and up a mountain to save the animals. All this was followed by lunch(zebra pizza, snake eggs(grapes) and animal crackers), presents and a cool crocodile cake! Haydn LOVED it which was the desired result. Thanks to all the friends and family that helped to make his birthday special. We LOVE this little independant soul. His laugh is to die for and we were so excited to make his day special for him. Here are some pictures of the events...

Thursday, February 04, 2010

100 days

Not only do I have a kindergartner but I've had one for 100 days!!! Connor celebrated his 100th day of school today! He is LOVING school! He's doing AMAZING! He's top of his class, but then anyone who knows Connor would have guessed! I love this little man! He is just so sweet and loves life and learning! Kids don't get any better than Connor!

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Happy 27th Birthday Jenn

I got to be queen for like a week! Scott couldn't wait to give me my birthday present so I got it the day it came in the mail last week...A Kitchenaid mixer! I've been making my own bread this year (that's one of my goals) so this mixer has really sped up the process! AND of course it's great for all the baking I love to do! I was so thrilled! Then Sat. Scot threw me this really awesome flavor tripping party. Don't know what that is? Look up miracle fruit on the web and check it out. It's totally cool! He also made me a fabulous chocolate cake with 4 layers of chocolate orange ganache and topped with chocolate fudge frosting, flakes of chocolate and a cherry! Sounds to die for? IT WAS! Then actual birthday I got sung to many times, had birthday cards made for me by my boys and got more cake! Friends called and dropped by too--that was so nice! Thanks for all the thought from my friends and family! It meant a lot.