Saturday, June 19, 2010

Star Wars Birthday Party

Connor wanted a Star Wars party for his birthday (BIG SURPRISE). We went all out for this one. I spent all week preparing, mostly sewing Jedi capes for all 11 kids and my husband. It was a lot of work but TOTALLY worth it. We suited up the kids and had them play a lot of simple games to enhance their Jedi skills. Everyone had a blast! The only sad part of the day is that poor Haydn woke up sick and so he stayed napping, secluded in his room and missed the whole party. He was really sad about it and kept trying to convince me he was ok but I'm glad I didn't believe him cause he's still not. I guess that just means we'll probably do this again in a few months when it's his birthday (cause he wants a Star Wars party too).

To begin our Jedi Training we suited up each "apprentice" with a Jedi cloak and light saber. Then Yoda introduced and obstacle course which they got to race through one by one carrying Yoda on their backs (like Luke did during his training).

Light Saber Training- They had to keep the balloon up in the air with their light saber...

Darth Maul made and appearance and the Jedi Apprentices got to fight him off...

Save the Princess- The balloons were filled with candy and there were two pictures of Padme and Princess Leia in the bunch. They had to find and save the princesses by popping the balloons.

Jedi Freeze- Run when the music plays, Stop when it stops, to heighten their Jedi reflexes...

Wookie Bow Caster Training- Shooting at Star Wars villans- the Emperor, Darth Vader, Darth Maul and General Grievous...

The Food...

Present Time...

Jedi Apprentice Training Class Photos...

Star Wars Cake...


Connor's First Piano Recital

Connor has been playing piano for three months now and he had his first recital last night. Here are the pieces he played. He had all of them memorized but got a little nervous I think. He did AWESOME for his first time. It might just be me but I think he's catching on awfully quick too, he's good! Here are the videos...

Connor's Graduated Kindergarten

My baby is no longer a kindergartner! Here are some pics with his teachers...
Connor and Mrs. Toce

Connor and Mrs. Rumovicz his kindergarten teacher

Monday, June 14, 2010

Connor Is 6!

Today is Connor's birthday. I can't believe I have a 6 year old. He's getting so big and smart and capable. It is sooo fun to watch this kid grow. He's going to have a busy week so I'll be posting more but for now here's the events of his birthday...

He started out the day by having some surprise donuts for breakfast (that was his chance to blow out candles today since his birthday party is this weekend).

He happened to be born on Flag Day and his class had a party to celebrate. I got some festive necklaces for him to give to his class to help celebrate his birthday.

I snagged a picture with him and his teacher Mrs. Rumovicz while I was there too. She really has been awesome with Connor.

We went to the park, played with friends and then this evening he got to choose his favorite food for dinner (waffles) and open presents. He got a solar system puzzle, Darth Vader and General Grievous action figures and a Star Wars swim suit. If you haven't guessed his party will be Star Wars themed!

I think he really enjoyed his day.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Fun with Friends

We had some friends come play with us this week while their Mom went on a school trip with another child. That left me with 6 kids for a day! It actually went VERY well. The kids all played perfectly and it was easy to keep them all happy despite my being a little worried about it. I even had another girl in the house (which hardly happens) even though we were out numbered 5 to 2. Here's a little of our adventures...
Playing playdough while the big boys were at school.

Tristan getting loved on a bit too much!

Bike riding...

Jedi Lightsaber Duel...

Baseball practice...

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Memorial Day

We started off memorial by watching a parade through our tiny town. Connor got to march with his baseball team and throw candy to the crowd. After the parade there was a memorial in the center of town to remember fallen soldiers close to home. Then there was a family fun day at the elementary school and there were bounce houses, hot dogs, cotton candy...just about everything. The boys favorite was a bouncy relay race that you can see here. There was even a fire truck there and the kids got to shoot water out of the hose. It was a fun day.