Monday, January 29, 2007

Connor says...

I think I'm going to start a new little tradition of putting funny things Connor says on our blog. He surprises me everyday and I don't want to forget all these cute things. goes...

Let me start with a brief explanation. Connor has 2 very good friends that are sisters in our LDS church. The older sister is Anika (6 months older than Connor) and she has been his favorite playmate since we got here 1 1/2 years ago. She has a little sister, Keslie, who is 15 months younger than Connor. He loves them both. Also, ever since our anniversary, when Scott and I left Connor and went to the temple and Boston for the day, the temple has been a hot topic in our house. If we ask Connor where Mommy and Daddy got married, he'll say, "the temple!" If you ask where he is going to get married, he'll give the same answer. He also knows a lot of the words to the primary song "I love to see the temple."

So, there's the background and here's the story. Connor has a book that has primary songs and pictures as well as buttons that you can press and it plays the music for these songs. He got it for Christmas so it's still new and novel to him. He wanted to read it with me this morning so we were singing the song "I love to see the temple" among others that are in this book. I stopped him and asked, "Where did Mommy and Daddy get married?" He said, "the temple!" and then went on and on, "Connor is going to get married in the temple too. Connor is going to take Keslie to the temple. Connor loves Keslie so much. Connor likes Anika too be we are friends. Connor is going to marry Keslie in the temple." It was so funny. He's a cutie. I called up the girls' mom, who is one of my best friends, and told her the story. Connor then talked to Anika on the phone and told her that he was going to take Keslie to the temple. This is all a new development because Connor's long-time favorite has been Anika but I guess he's staying in the family. These girls have pics with Connor elsewhere on the blog if you want to see them.

Ice at the Park

We had some great fun at the park yesterday with Grandpa. It was cold but nice out. We foolishly went thinking we might feed some ducks but found the pond all frozen over. Connor loved being able to walk on it and slip around too. He had great fun holding onto Daddy or Grandpa and swinging around so his feet slid on the ice. Mommy didn't dare venture out so as not to fall and hurt the baby but it was sure fun to watch. They only made the ice make a cracking sound once and they sure jumped off fast when it did--nothing happened. Connor loves his Grandpa and it was a treat to have him visit if only for a few hours.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Connor Looking Forward!!!

I've never just written anything before without adding pics so this is new. Connor was so cute the other day I just have to share it. As you all know I'm 8 months pregnant and showing now. We've told Connor all along that Mommy's tummy would get bigger and bigger and now that he can see that he's constantly asking when the baby is coming. We came home the other day and I had promised him he could watch a movie while I made dinner. So we are taking off our coats and he reminded me about the movie and then asked, "Mommy, can baby watch Rugrats with Connor?" (he found rugrats at the library and loves them for some reason). At first I was like, "Baby? What?" and so he touched my tummy and repeated his request. I about died! I had to explain that the baby had to go help mommy in the kitchen but that pretty soon the baby could sit and watch movies with him.

The next morning he came to wake me up in bed. The baby started kicking so I asked Connor if he wanted to put his head on my tummy which he did. He then went on and on about the baby. How the baby was going to come soon. How he was going to give the baby a car and they could play cars together. How he was going to hug the baby. How the baby would love him so much. How he was going to share and not push the baby. How the baby was going to sleep in his room.

It was so cute to see him so excited and so in tune with what's going on! It is making me all the more anxious to get the baby here too. We can't wait to know what it is, boy or girl?

Thursday, January 25, 2007

FREAK JANUARY BLIZZARD HITS BALMY NEW ENGLAND in New England we expected to have the harsh winters that everyone warned us about. So far, I guess we carried the warm weather from the west with us because we haven't seen much harsh weather. Last year was incredibly mild. This winter we didn't get our first snow until Jan. 18th and you can't even call that much as it was gone by the end of the day. It has snowed once more and it's melted already too. Connor's still waiting for the day when we can build a real snowman but we tried to make do with what we had. We threw a few snowballs and made a tiny snowman (which he promptly knocked over and wanted to do all over again). We really wanted a white Christmas; we may not even get a white January.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

"LUCY...You got some 'splaining to do!!!"

Our Lucy turned out to be pregnant when we got her. We joked about that being the case as she got bigger and bigger but blew it off as impossible (we did, after all, get two females). Well, about a week ago, we decided that it was a sure thing as we could feel her babies moving around inside her really well. She gave birth last night to 3 beautiful pups. We've tried to sex them and it's pretty hard at this age but we think that she's got 2 boys and a girl. Lucy did great! She gave birth while I was out of the room putting Connor to bed and I came in just in time to see her cleaning off the last baby that had just come out and then I got to watch her deliver and eat her placentas (not something I will be doing). It was a very cool thing to see especially because I will give birth too in a couple of months. The babies are soooo cute.

Monday, January 08, 2007

A Real Bubble Bath

The other day we were giving Connor a bath and Scott had a brilliant idea: why not blow bubbles into the bubble bath? Connor loved it! He quickly learned that because his body was wet the bubbles would stick to him. He loved being able to pop them on his body. Here are some really cute pics of our happy bath boy.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Connor and Rocky the puppy

We puppy-sat for some friends of ours (the Pettitts) this morning. They have a very new puppy that is just darling. He and Connor became instant friends. Rocky would follow Connor everywhere, jump up on him, and, if Connor was low enough, tackle and kiss him. Connor loved all of it. Every time Rocky would jump up on Connor he'd say, "Wow, he likes me!" I almost wish we could have one of our own but I think a new baby will be even better. We can't wait to live somewhere we can have a dog. For now, we'll just have to make frequent visits to our friends' house to see their dog.

Christmas Morning Presents

This is our happy boy on Christmas morning! He loved his presents. He played all day non-stop. These are all pictures of him with gifts from all his wonderful grandparents. You all did well he had a blast with everything and he's still constantly amusing himself with all the new toys. It's actually been easier on Mommy because he is starting to get quite an imagination. He spent a lot of Christmas day wearing the backpack from Grandma Beckie and telling us, "Bye, I'm going to school. I'll call you when I leave. I love you. Merry Christmas!" It was so cute! I guess he's learning the routine that we do with Daddy every morning down pat. Thanks to all the grandparents for being so good to our sweet boy. This Christmas was so fun with him around to see him so excited about everything. We still sing Christmas songs to him every night.


We made stockings this year. Connor and Scott still didnt' have one so we decided to get some standard red stockings and some puff paint and make our own beautiful creations. Here they are...