Tuesday, September 29, 2009

First Smile Caught on Camera

As you can imagine, our littlest angel really is an angel. He's almost 2 1/2 months now and is determined not to be little for long. We love his chubby little kissable cheeks. Nowadays we spend his waking hours trying to get smiles. He's adorable when his little face lights up! He LOVES baths...so he fits right in with the other water boys in our family. He doesn't even mind his brothers splashing around him. He's going 8 hours at night without eating which is GREAT...now if I could only get him to sleep soundly that whole time and we'd be set. He's a sweetie pie who is loved (sometimes over-loved) by all of us.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Connor Lost His 1st Tooth

Another step forward...Connor lost his first tooth last Fri. Sept 11th. He was at school eating his snack when it happened. I packed him a yogurt and he couldn't get it open with his hands so he tried his teeth and voila! He got to go to the nurse and she gave him a little necklace that looked like a tooth that held his tooth inside. He was beaming when he got off the bus to show me. Last night he lost tooth number two, so now he has a double hole in his mouth. He's got a cute toothless grin, that's for sure. By the way, he has some attachment to his teeth and he won't give them up to the tooth fairy. He cried when I tried to put it under his pillow. I think he's finally coming around to the idea though and he's writing the tooth fairy a note right now. He wrote (spelling by himself too)...
We'll see what happens now!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Tristan's blessing

It's been a busy week at our house. Scott's mom came to visit and spend a week here with us. We had such a good time with her. We took her to some parks and the children's museum but the boys had the most fun just reading, doing puzzles and playing games with her. Meanwhile, we had more family and friends join us for Tristan's baby blessing. It was so nice to be able to share his blessing with so many friends and family. Thanks to all who joined us.