Monday, September 24, 2012

Beautiful Beach!

Another fun day at the beach with friends.  Scott buried these guys in the sand.
 Haydn and Tristan enjoying a snack at the beach.
 I brought bubbles and Scott did bubbles with the kids hour like 45 min.  It's so easy because the wind blows the bubbles for him.  Nothing better than bubbles at the beach!  The boys and their friends LOVED them.

 Scott got adventurous and took Haydn and Tristan boogie boarding on his back.  Unfortunately this was the only pic I got before my camera died for the day.  I wasn't ready and had to take it in a hurry, hence the nice strap in the picture too.  Scott is an amazing Dad.  He boogie boarded with Connor for much of the day.

We love having the beach so near.  If the weather is nice on the weekend, which it ALWAYS is, that's where we are!

Joy School

Tristan started Joy School recently!  He's such a cutie!  The first week was at my house so I got to see all the kids in action.  He was very well behaved and happy and quick to learn.  Love this little man!
 If you know T, this is the PERFECT backpack for him!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Laser Tag

Connor got invited to a birthday at a laser tag place.  It was his first laser tag experience!  It was a blast!  It was so loud and chaotic and fun with a bunch of 3rd graders!  He left saying, "We have to go here for MY birthday!"


I made this cute cake for a baby shower for a friend.  It was a hit.

Thursday, September 06, 2012

Tristan sings the ABCs

Tristan sings the ABCs:

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Tristan Not Napping

Tristan has been fighting me at nap time.  He just isn't tired enough, and he plays in his bed never falling asleep.  Today I decided to tell him we weren't doing naps, just quiet time.  I let him choose 2 books to take to bed with him and told him he could read until I came to get him.  I found him like this 30 min later.  He fell asleep on the book.  Very comfy I'll tell ya!  I pulled him off to lay on his pillow and he'd been sweating so some of the ink on the page was on his face instead, oops!  So cute!

Labor Day

Over Labor Day we went to a Beach House in Santa Monica.  It was so fun.  They had a pool, a playground and a splash pad.  They had a rec room overlooking the ocean that was full of tables, board and card games and a ping pong table too.  Also they had a long boardwalk toward the beach so you didn't have to trek in the sand.  It was quite a little resort getaway.  We spent most of the day there enjoying the beautiful weather.

Fort night

Scott built the boys a fun fort on Saturday night.  We spent the evening inside it playing games and reading books and singing songs!  The boys LOVED it.  Daddy is a genius, it's true!

Archer Is Growing

Little Archer is 6 1/2 months now and I thought it was about time that we try some food.  He seemed to be getting really interested in our meal times so I thought he'd love it.  Not so much.  He was interested at first but then quickly got bored and decided he didn't like the green beans I was giving him.  He liked the plain rice cereal better.  The next day I tried feeding him some applesauce.  He reacted by making really sour faces, as if he were eating a lemon, with every bite until he refused any more.  Maybe he's not so ready after all.  I've kept trying to feed him over the last week and he prefers chewing on his spoon to eating any food!  Silly boy!

 I love how Archer rolls around on the ground and eats his toes!  He's such a cutie!  So funny!

Archer is also now totally mobile.  He's been rolling around EVERYWHERE for months but he recently figured out how to crawl after something he wants.  He's still in army crawl mode so it's slow for now.  If I'm near him he'll crawl into my lap, or come right up to me and whine until I pick him up.  He's a momma's boy for sure.  He's a VERY happy guy.  He loves it when his brothers are being silly and trying to make him laugh, especially Connor.  He loves it when anyone sings to him.  He's got a husky little voice that is adorable!