Monday, March 05, 2007

Connor Says...

Here are a few cute stories about Connor...

Last night we were putting Connor to bed and out of nowhere he says, "Jesus is going to come get me, Mommy?" I was surprised and said...No, Mommy doesn't want Him to come get you, he want's Mommy to take care of you. He replied..."But Mommy, Jesus wouldn't hurt me. He's my friend!" Cute...I still would rather keep him around though.

Scott has a silly little game with Connor. He will trap him in some way and in order to get out Connor must repeat random BIG words like "hypotenuse" and "circumference". Scott thinks it's funny to get him to try to say it. Now if Connor gets stuck he'll scream out "HYPOTENUSE!" It's so cute!

Connor also has a new saying. He's always been a very grateful child and uses "please", and "thank you" a lot. Well, now he added, "That's so nice of you!" I love it. I was doing the laundry the other day and he walked in and asked what I was doing. I told him that I had cleaned his clothes for him and he says to me, "Mommy, that's so nice of you!" I hope he is still like this as a teenager.

1 comment:

Brittanie said...

Oh Connor!! I miss him!! Love the stories. Love the pictures. SO glad I got to give you a squeeze on Sunday!! Can't wait for your shower on Saturday!