We found a walker for Haydn. I didn't think he'd be strong enough but he loves it and will sit there for a while. He looks at all the toys on the tray and tries to hit them with his hands. He can even move it backwards by pushing with his legs. The boys in their first matching Sunday suits! They're so cute in their blue shirts and dinosaur vests and ties. We had tons of fun at a Foodfest put up by BYU Hawaii. All the clubs from different countries sold native food. It was so yummy! They also had some balloon jumping rooms (I don't know what they're really called) and a big slide.
Brothers playing together...what is sweeter!? The first pic is of Connor and Haydn playing hide and seek. Connor put the little rag over their heads and told me to find them. It was too cute. Connor has a new best friend. He loves Sam. These are some pics of them playing in the sprinklers and at the beach. The beach pics are of them being buried. We dug a big hole. Stuck Connor, Sam, and Sam's brother Colin in the hole and covered them up to their tummies. They LOVED it. Their mom is named Emily and she's awesome too. It's so nice to make a friend here. Some friends of ours put up a pool at the bottom of one of the slides at the playground. Needless to say it was hours of entertainment for the whole neighborhood. The only way I got Connor to go in for a nap was the promise of coming right back after he woke up. I love the incredibly worried face he gets as he slides super fast down the slide and knows he's going to land in water. He got a little scared a few times but would try it again if I helped him and slowly work up the courage to do it himself again.
My boys together at the beach. It was such a low tide that it was like a small tide pool with no waves. They had such fun there during a playgroup. My little swimmer. Connor is starting to get more and more brave in the water. Here are some pics with friends at the playgroup.
Monumental day!!!! Haydn laughed for the first time. He's tried to giggle before but it's only a half giggle. This time he actually laughed at me when I was talking and making faces at him as he laid on the floor. What a sweet boy I have...two actually. Come to think of it, I probably try to make both my boys smile and laugh equally and enjoy it equally as well. The only difference is how I do it. This laugh truly made my day though! I love being a mom!
Haydn LOVES popsicles. I know he's a little young but I let him have a taste and let's just say he wasn't satisfied with a small taste. He'll suck on it and as soon as he decides he needs more he starts screeching about it. It's the cutest thing! I know. I know. I keep putting up pics of Haydn's smiles. Can you blame me? Look at this cutie!
This is a cute Connor story. My sister and her hubby brought my mom and I breakfast in bed on Mother's Day. Amazingly they brought it to me at 5:45 am (our days here start with the birds and the sun starting to rise calling at about 5:30 which of course wake up Connor). Unfortunately for me, I was already up when they brought me breakfast because I was changing a diaper. So anyways, they bring me breakfast at this crazy hour. They brought some pancakes and sausage with syrup in a cup on the side and some juice. Connor talked to me about what they brought and why. They he for some reason decided to try and step over the tray that the breakfast was on and in the process sat in it. Syrup was everywhere! It was so funny. Little things like that just remind you that you are a mom every moment and you just love your kids for trying to be sweet and it all blowing up in the process.
My sister Katie and her hubby Dennis flew in on Wed. Katie is doing an internship here all summer so we'll have tons of fun. By the way, see those leis. I made them! Us at the beach. I found that perfect day(it's not hard here) so I took Haydn in the water. He loved it. He kicked his feet and cooed at me. What sweet beach boys I've got! Connor having fun in the sprinklers.
Sweet baby smiles! What is cuter!?
Brotherly love! Haydn is really good at french kissing! If you get anywhere near his mouth he'll open up wide and explore with his tongue. It's pretty cute and Connor loves to get kisses from him.
Dropping off Connor at school today... Me: I love you C: I love you too Me: Love you more C: No, I love you most Me: I love you more than there are stars in the sky. Connor pauses slightly to think of something bigger. C: I love you more than all our blessings.
We must be so blessed. We really, are it's just nice to know he realizes it.
Potty training is fun...
Mom: "Tristan are you sure you don't have to go poopy?"
Tristan : "No, my poop is still playing in my bum."
Connor: "Mom, why do you like Country music?"
Mom: "I like the sound and I like the stories in the songs."
Connor: "Dad, why do you like city music?"
Snickering from Mom and Dad...
Home Teachers were over and about to give a message and I grabbed Haydn to try to get him to hold still. Quietly, I told him to listen about how they call missionaries. His reply was, "WITH THE PHONE!" said with the biggest tone of "duh, I already know this Mom" ever.
Haydn: "Mom, I can't go to sleep, Jedi's don't get tired!" Me: "But they need their rest so they can save everyone." Haydn: "But if I go to sleep my Jedi power will break!"
Haydn: "Mom, do you want a hug?" Me: "Yeah, I love hugs!" Haydn: "Then you have to turn on a show for me and I'll give you a hug. Mom, do you like hugs?" Me: "Yeah, I do like hugs." Haydn: "Then turn on a show."
Connor, reading a pepper container, says, "Spices from the four corners of the earth? Mom the earth isn't square, how can there be four corners?" "Ground black pepper? Is the ground black?"
Connor had hurt Haydn earlier and when Haydn remembered it he said... Haydn very sternly to Connor: "You say sorry again okay!" Connor: "Are you the boss?" Haydn still stern:"No I am not! I'm HAYDN!"
Haydn: "When I grow up I gonna be a baby elephant!"
Connor: quotes about his best friend Holly from school... "Mom, Holly and I love each other." "She's so cute when she smiles." "I wrote Holly three notes and two of them said, 'I love you!'" "I'm gonna marry Holly!" Dad:"Does she know that?" Connor:"Yeah I asked her and she said okay!"
Mom: "Haydn what are you doing?" Haydn: (hushed voice)"I hiding." Mom: "Why?" Haydn: (thinks about it) "I poopy!" Potty Training NOT going so well!
Connor: "Mom, did you know the ice cream in OUR ice cream cones is the best because I taste your love in them!"
Haydn: "Yes SIR!" maybe, "Yes Sure!"
Connor: "It was so sticky...like...as sticky as packing tape!"