Saturday, August 02, 2008


Just so you all know...SCOTT FINISHED THE BAR! We can't believe it is all over. It seems like yesterday he started law school. As of Thursday, July 31st, he was DONE. Hopefully forever! We won't know until October if he passed or not, crazy huh! Congratulations to the most amazing man! I love you tons! We have a great Texas vacation coming up we are really excited about where we will get to see his family. We are looking forward to having a lot more time with him these days!


lnkmom said...

Yay!!!!! I'm so happy for you guys! I'm sure he did great!

Jenn said...

YAY! YAY! YAY! You guys should go out and celebrate and let us watch the boys. :) Congrats--we know what a relief it is to have that beast behind you.