Thursday, March 17, 2011

An Update!

I am getting really bad at keeping this updated. I just wanted to post a few pictures I recently took and show you how my little ones are growing...

Connor is an amazing guy. He's helpful, loving, independent and smart! He's been in a bit of trouble at school lately though. He's just so physical and doesn't seem to know what personal space is. I think it's also that he may be a little bored and finding other means to distract himself. Anyways, he's working toward a fun incentive and his behavior has been much better. I think every parent hates to hear bad things about their own perfect angels. What kills the most is that I know he knows better and I just pray he turns out right in the end-being able to think through his actions before he does them. He's really progressing at piano and is playing some simplified Primary Songs and the Star Wars theme which is really fun for him. He's trying out for baseball soon so we've been practicing that too.

Haydn is loving joy school and he's getting so independent too. He's starting to read which is soooo fun! The look on his face whenever he sounds out a word and recognizes what it is is PRICELESS. He is such a good friend. He can play for hours with his friends and have no problems. I love having him home with me. We play games, read, play outside, go to the library, etc. He's also going to do T-ball soon and he's really excited about it.

Tristan is just my sweet cuddle bug. He plays well on his own, with his brothers and with friends. He's starting to talk a little but he gets his point across rather well with body language, sign language, sounds and pointing. The other day he brought me a toy and repeatedly said, "On, on, on!" It was so cute! He's such a little clown and he loves attention. He LOVES to be outside and I'm glad I can finally let him out more. Every time I get out of our car he runs to the bikes and wants to play outside. He's heartbroken when I make him come in.

So that's my crew! Scott's still loving his job and I am too. I've been busily Heritage Making our own things too. I finally finished my wedding album...

A board book for Mr. T...

And a canvas of the boys for our wall...

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