Sunday, November 05, 2006

More video from the vault!

Here is a video of Connor climbing out of his crib for the first time. He was about 21 months old. He would wake up and play in his crib and when he was ready he'd call for his "mommy and daddy." Then we'd go to his door and knock and peek in to say good morning as we got him up. He loved this little routine of ours until one morning he called and we came and knocked on the door and he knocked back! We were so stunned we opened the door and there he was all proud of himself. We put him back in his crib and asked him to show us how he got out and he was all too happy to show off. He was so smart, he even threw all his blankets on the floor first to soften the fall (we have hardwood floors). He did it like a pro! Needless to say that day we graduated to a toddler bed! He never had a problem with the transition but Mommy cried while she was packing up the crib.

Here is a video from Connor's second birthday party! We had a big one with all his friends at the park a few days later but this was the actual day of with just Mommy and Daddy there to celebrate with.

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