Monday, January 14, 2008

Haydn Did...11 months

Haydn has some new tricks up his sleeve. He learned to clap! It's really cute. He gets really excited when I clap at things he does and shout "YEAH!" He claps now too. Along with that, he's learned to make the sign language sign for "more" which is a similar motion to clapping. We've been working on this for a while but he seems to think it is easier to use is "AHHH's" or banging his hands on his highchair to get what he wants. Today for lunch I got him to do it several times with much praise, which he loves as before mentioned! I'm so happy he's got it. Still no walking. He could if he wanted to but he thinks crawling is faster and safer for the moment. Haydn has always been one to do things at his own pace!

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