Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Can I keep him?

Connor decided today he needed money, who knows why. He randomly said to me, "Ok Mom, what chores can I do?" Dumbfounded I respond, "Let me think...I know one!" And then the bomb hits..."Mom, if I do a chore for you can I have a penny for my piggy bank?" How can I refuse! He asks to help me and asks for pittance in return. I'll take it while I can get it! So, his chore was setting up dinner. He arranged tacitos on a tray, mashed some avacado, mixed some crystal light and set the table. He was so happy to get his penny reward that I'm sure this is not the end of his helpfulness. The question will be how long it will take him to figure out what a penny is worth and ask for more of a salary. I'll hold off on that lesson for a while and maybe I'll get good cheap help through kindergarten.

1 comment:

So many blogs..too little time said...

oh so cute and SO opposite of Alivia, she wouldn't help me for anything. Wish we lived close so he can rub off on her:)