Thursday, March 19, 2009

Officially Delayed

I'm a little frustrated today because I've been working like crazy and have most of my house packed with no where to go apparently. We were supposed to move Saturday but our closing has been delayed until next Wed. so we won't move until sometime next week. I guess it's good I didn't get too far ahead of myself and pack the kitchen yet. The boys toys are still out too so I guess we are set for another week. It's not our fault so their is really nothing we can do. I guess I'll slow down a little with the packing and have a little longer to say good-bye to this house.


Katie said...

That stinks! At least it's only a week. I'm excited to see it, and you guys in just a month or so!

lnkmom said...

Bummer! It will all work out. I'm still excited for you guys!