Friday, January 08, 2010

Our 7th Anniversary

We celebrated our 7th Anniversary on Dec 28th. We spent it walking through NYC checking out the sights. It was so fun! Tristan joined us and he was really good. He gave us a good work out packing him around for about 8 hrs. The other boys spent the day in NYC too but with Grandpa. Our favorite part was watching a light show of snowflakes on a building to the tune of "Carol of the Bells". It was so fun just walking through the city. Here's some sights that we saw and things we did.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Jen you are so incredibly beautiful! I miss you guys! IT looks like you had fun in NYC. I was wishing I could be there this year a little bit. Tell Scott thanks for letting me know about that awesome deal on the baby bjorn!!!!!!!!