Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Garbage Museum

We went with Scott into Stratford, CT, where he's been working. The kids and I spent the morning at the Children's Garbage Museum. It was great! They got to learn all about garbage and recycling. The coolest thing is walking in and seeing a huge T-rex made of trash! It weighs a ton (which is the amount each person throws away in a year!)! They made a scavenger hunt out of it so you had to find different items in the dinosaur! They had activities and movies to teach about decomposition, as well as how much energy is saved and gained by recycling different items. They had coloring, books, puzzles, and games. We even got to watch as the recycling trucks brought in their loads and dump it and see people sorting it and see the bales it gets crushed into. Very cool and informative and all FREE! Totally recommended! Here's some pics of our trip...

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