Friday, September 28, 2007

Haydn is Huge!

Today we took Haydn to the doctor for a well-child check. It was for his 6 month check even though he's 7 1/2 months old (we got behind when we went to Hawaii). Well, he passed with flying colors. My chunky little guy is 18lbs 14oz and 27in tall!!! He is doing everything he should be and MORE! He's crawling like a champion up on his hands and knees now. He's climbing everything too. He can climb to a stand and stand fairly steady. He loses his balance every once in a while but he's getting better! We had to lower the crib already because he'll climb and stand up against the side. He's eating solids great. He likes everything so far. In fact, if he sees anyone eating something and he's not included he gets very distressed! He can even feed himself little cereal bits and he drops less and less down into the highchair everyday. It helps to have something for him to eat with his fingers while we feed him because we can't go fast enough. He's hard to hold now because he always wants down to play. Don't even get me started about the struggle I have to get him in a diaper or clothes. He's such a cute, happy little guy. He smiles for anyone. He is SO ticklish and his laugh is just adorable. He LOVES the water. When I put him into the bath he immediately starts flailing his arms and legs and splashing everywhere with the biggest grin on his face. When the water gets in his face he pauses for a split second and then keeps on going, it doesn't phase him at all. Now he crawls around and tries to climb in the tub so it's quite an active bath. He's definitely going to be a swimmer! Well, that's just a little about Haydn to keep everyone updated! We are so happy he's part of our family.

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