Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Starting Christmas!

First let me say sorry! It's been so long since I've blogged. It's been a little crazy! We found out we were going to be able to move as we were headed out of town for Thanksgiving. Then we actually moved the next weekend after that. We are now in a really cute little house of our own. Well, not our own, we are renting but isn't an apt. it's a house. We love having our own space and a lot more of it! It has 3 bedrooms, 2 baths and a yard. We are in heaven. Anyways, so that's been keeping us busy. We were packing, moving, unpacking and now we are finally setting up for Christmas!

We really wanted to start by cutting down our own tree this year. This is a first for us as a married couple and we have missed it from our childhoods. Anyway, here are some pics of our adventure (warning, there are a lot!)...

First we took a hayride to the trees. We were a little silly on the way. What funny faces!

Once there we had fun choosing the perfect one. Connor insisted that we follow him and he would lead us to our tree.Here's Scott thinking he's being funny!Now my big, strong man cuts down the real tree and hauls it away!

We had fun letting Connor help us decorate! He did a great job putting everything in one concentrated spot. That spot looked GREAT! We helped him reach a little higher. Haydn just stood by enjoying the seen.
Whaalllaaaa! I love my little family! Here's a really cute side story. Connor is really understanding Christmas this year and is becoming a little materialistic for the first time in his life. He keeps making a list of all the things he's going to ask Santa for...
1. New sunglasses (he lost his)
2. A new squirt gun (he broke it)
3. A sister (He was looking at this book where the story is about a brother and sister, he turns to me and says, "Mommy, we are missing a sister in our family. I want one. I'm going to ask Santa for a sister!")

Another story...so Scott served his mission in Holland. There they have a day on Dec. 5th where Santa (different name though) comes and leaves presents in the children's shoes. We decided to add this to our traditions. Santa brought Connor sunglasses already by the way (He was thrilled!). Later that day Connor found a Santa hat laying on the floor and asked what's this. I seized the moment and very worriedly said,"Oh no, Santa must have forgotten it here!" Connor picked up on it wonderfully and got just as concerned. It was SO funny! I calmed him down and said we could leave it for him with the milk and cookies on Christmas Eve. This will now be another tradition!

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