Monday, November 19, 2007

Now I know my A B C's.....

Since I opted not to put Connor into preschool at the age of 3 (like most parents around here do nowadays) we decided to do a little "school time" together. We started in September and we've been doing preschool workbooks as well as learning the letters and their sounds. We made a book of letters together where for each letter I wrote it out in bubble letters, tried to draw pictures that started with that letter and then wrote the words that corresponded with the pictures. We learned all their sounds one by one and Connor is proud to report that he finished today. We only had X..Y..and Z left and he wanted to do them all because he wants to "know how to read!" When we closed the book he said, "Mommy, I can read now!" He actually can read small, easy words too! We are so proud of this BIG boy! Better yet, he is SOOO proud of himself. Great job Connor!

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