Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Coolest Bike EVER

Is this not the coolest bike attachment EVER! Look at the smile on Connor's face! He was in heaven! It'll be good practice for feeling how to ride without training wheels too! Scott put this together on Saturday night and then took it apart after their ride (it easily attaches and detaches from the bike) ...Connor was so crushed. Scott promised him we'd ride again Monday for FHE. Now I have Haydn in in a baby seat on my bike and Connor pedals behind Scott, we can go anywhere safely!


Brittanie said...

Awesome!! Where did you guys get that?!!

Scott said...

We go this at Target during the winter months. It had been on their shelves for a long time, the box had been abused, and their pricing system didn't have a record of it. I talked the manager down to about $20. Fortunately, all of the parts were in the box and it was undamaged (though the box wasn't pretty).