Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I LOVE Having Boys!

Today I was gardening out in the backyard. I LOVE HAVING A YARD! Anyways, I was weeding and the ground was really wet because of some recent rain. I found tons of worms every time I pulled up anything from the ground. My normal, albeit very girly, instinct would be to shriek and quit but instead since my boys were near I thought, "I've gotta show this to Connor!" So Connor got an awesome nature lesson today while we talked about and held (I had gloves on) worms and rolly pollies (potato bugs). Connor loved it. Now if I had girls would I have done this? I can't say I would or wouldn't but it could be as fun as watching a little boy enjoy leaning about and holding bugs. Connor really wanted the worms to crawl on his shoulders and have a ride. I think he was a little nervous about them being in his hands but he held it with no squealing at all. When I introduced him to the rolly polly I had prefaced it with, "Oh, these are my favorite bugs!" when I found it. From then on he was searching the grass and every time he saw a bug he'd say, "Oh, these are my favorite!" What a cutie!

1 comment:

Brittanie said...

I have girls and we totally do that! Anika had two worms she wanted to adopt yesterday and was very sad when I made her put them down outside. =) We didn't have gloves on though and I'm pretty sure that they pooped on her hands. NICE! So - we had a good hand washing session after that!