Friday, September 03, 2010

Conversation this morning...
Me: "Haydn please finish your breakfast so you can walk with Connor to the bus." (he missed yesterday because he wasn't finished and Connor went by himself)
Haydn(nonchalantly): "No, I don't want to go to the bus."
Me: "Connor, do you like going to the bus stop by yourself?"
Connor: "Well, I like having Haydn to go with me, it's more fun."
Haydn(brightly): "Just me!"
Connor: "Well, I like everyone to go with me." pause..."I would be sad if you couldn't come with me Haydn."
Haydn: "If you are sad, I hope you get happy again Connor." Then Haydn went into high speed to finish so we could all walk Connor to the bus. Nothing like a loving brother for motivation!

1 comment:

Katie said...

How sweet!