Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Fears Conquered

Connor had tons of fun last night at a neighbor friends house. Not only did he have a blast, he also conquered two of his fears in one sitting--sprinklers and trampolines. He's never liked bouncing with other people on a trampoline because he felt out of control and he couldn't keep his feet. Mostly because he was too afraid to really give it a go. He also hasn't liked sprinklers much because his first exposer to it was on a rainy, cold day and he was miserable and so that experience has just carried over in his mind enough that he thinks it's not fun. Well, this friend, Tommy, and he had quite a blast on the tramp. They started off with the sprinkler showering down on them from above and them moved it so it popped through from the bottom. They would jump and slide all over the slippery tramp. I was so proud he overcame his anxieties and tried it out. It was worth it! I so want a tramp someday! By the way, sorry for the netting in every pic. It's a great protector, not so great for pictures!

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