Saturday, November 17, 2007

Haydn 9 months old

My baby is growing up! Haydn is 9 months old already! For his 9 month WCC he weighed 19lbs 10 oz and he's 28 1/2 in tall (about 50 percentile for both). He's a mover and a climber! He's just barely starting to be able to walk with a baby walker (he's not too good yet, but give him a week!)! He can climb up onto the lovesacs to get us! He learned how to climb out of the exersaucer and he even lands smoothly. I got it on video but our camera is being dumb at the moment. He just figured out how to say my name and now it's non-stop "mama mama mama mama" but really only when he needs something or wants me. When he plays he just babbles "ba ba ba"! His favorite game is peekaboo. If is say, "Where's Mommy?" he'll stop whatever it is he's doing and look at me with a big grin. Right now it even works nicely to distract him from doing something he shouldn't be! If I have a blanket over my face he'll crawl over and take it off. He's a bit of a "mama's boy"! If I hand him over to Daddy and walk straight out of the room he will cry. He loves his big brother. He'll follow him everywhere! His favorite place in the whole house is the bathroom. If he sees the door open he'll make a run for it. He's sure there is something in there that must be awesome since we try not to let him play in there. He LOVES food. He can have food on his tray and still complain that he doesn't get to eat what we big folk are having. We often let him try it and he is then in heaven. He is such a sweetheart! We can't imagine life without him. One bright smile will melt your heart!

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