We constantly tell our kids they need to stop growing but they keep doing it! Connor is especially insistent that he needs to grow up to be a Daddy. Here is our conversation at lunch...
Connor: Mom I don't want to eat my crust today.
Me: Why, it's yummy and healthy.
Connor: But Anika and Keslie don't...(thinking) hey, does it make me grow!?
Me: Yup!
Connor: (very enthusiastically) Good, I need to grow up to be a Daddy so I can teach my kids.
Me: What would you teach your kids?
Connor: Umm...to work and how long to microwave things, and how long to cook things, and how to sleep and take pictures, what to eat at lunch time and how not to cry
Me: You have to work on learning all those things so you can teach them really well huh!
Connor: Yup, I am! Oh ya and I would teach them not to touch hot things. Do you remember the mark on my hand...it's still not gone, I don't think it is going to get gone Mom.
Oh how their little minds work! I love teaching my boys and can't wait for him to get his dreams too.