Saturday, September 06, 2008

Caterpillar to Butterfly

Thanks to my great friend, Denise, we were able to watch our very own caterpillar grow from a tiny little guy, into a big fat caterpillar, watch it make a cocoon and burst out into a beautiful butterfly. My only regret is not taking pictures at all the stages. Both the boys loved watching the caterpillar eat all the leaves we gave it and grow and they were ecstatic this morning when we found it had come out of the cocoon and was a beautiful butterfly. We let it get a little more steady and then sent it off into the world. What a fun experience! Thanks again Denise.

1 comment:

lnkmom said...

Beautiful! Conner was telling me about the caterpillar that he had at his house & that it was going to be a butterfly! Very fun!