Friday, August 28, 2009


Tristan went in for a check-up today at 6 weeks old. I have to say his growth surpassed my expectations yet again. He is now a whopping 11lbs 6.8oz. THAT'S A JUMP FROM 25% to 75%. He's averaged a pound per week since birth! He's almost 2 pounds heavier than Connor and Haydn were at this point. I was so hoping to be able to hold on to his littleness for a little longer but it looks like he has other plans! Tristan...PLEASE SLOW DOWN! He's such a rolly polly cutie though and a truly great baby so I'm not complaining. I want him to grow...just not so fast!

1 comment:

Kristi Hansen-Simpson said...

WOW!! He sounds so big. Did you bless him already? E-mail me you address so we can come and visit.